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5 Factors on How to Pick the Perfect Teeth Whitening Kit For You

best teeth whitening kit

Having stained teeth is a strike to your self-esteem. It’s no wonder people are searching for ways to regain the white gleam of their smile.

When it comes to teeth whitening, there are different options that you can choose from. You can go to a dentist and have them do it for you, or you can use a more affordable and convenient option: an at-home teeth whitening kit.

Teeth whitening kits come in a variety of forms and can be purchased at most convenience stores, pharmacies, or online shops. These kits work by lightening your yellow teeth into milky white so you can speak and smile with more confidence.

You may be on the hunt for the best teeth whitening kit you can sink your teeth into, but when there’s an abundance of similar products on the market, how do you know which one is right for your needs? To guide you, here are 5 factors you should keep in mind when looking for the best teeth whitening kit to buy:


teeth whitening kits


Level of Staining


There are over-the-counter whiteners, such as toothpastes, gels, and whitening kits, while there are also professional-grade whiteners, which need to be administered by a dentist or a specialist. Before you avail any of these teeth whitening products, the first thing to consider is the severity of your tooth discoloration. If your teeth are only mildly stained, then an at-home teeth whitening kit will likely suffice. However, if you have more significant staining, you may need to see a dentist for a professional grade whitening treatment. 


Type of Whitening Kit


Once you've determined the level of whitening necessary, you can start shopping around for the best teeth whitening kit for you. There are many different types of whitening products available, from strips and gels to pens and trays.


  • Strips are the most popular type of system and they are easy to use. All you have to do is stick them to your teeth and wait for them to work their magic. However, they can be a bit messy and some people find them difficult to keep in place.
  • Tray systems are more effective than strips, but they require more time and effort to use. You have to mold the trays yourself to fit your teeth and then fill them with a special kind of whitening gel. You then need to bite into them for a certain amount of time each day, usually around 30 minutes, with the application of an LED device.
  • Gels are applied directly to the teeth and left on for around half an hour before rinsing the mouth with water.
  • Pens are used to apply the whitener to specific areas of the teeth. They allow you to hard-to-reach areas like your molars or the spaces between your teeth.


It's important to find one that is both easy and comfortable to use. Some kits are better for removing surface stains, while others can penetrate deep into the enamel to remove years of built-up plaque and discoloration. Be sure to choose a product that fits your needs and gives you the results you're looking for.




The next thing to consider is the ingredients in the whitening kit. The best teeth whitening kit will have the right combination of ingredients to effectively remove stains and restore teeth to their natural color.


There are three types of teeth whiteners in whitening kits:

  • Bleaching agents that break down the pigment in your teeth.
  • Oxidizing agents that lighten the color of your teeth.
  • Abrasives that polish your teeth and remove any built-up plaque or dirt.


Under these whitener categories, these are the common ingredients you will find in most teeth whitening kits: 

  • Hydrogen peroxide. This ingredient is found in most professional grade tooth whitening products. It’s the bleaching agent that breaks down the discoloration in your teeth and lightens them over time.
  • Carbamide peroxide. This breaks down into hydrogen peroxide and urea in water. It is less potent than hydrogen peroxide, but it can last longer and is a great alternative for people with sensitive teeth.
  • Sodium bicarbonate or Baking Soda. This is a natural abrasive that helps remove surface stains from teeth. It helps to neutralize acids in your mouth and remove plaque and surface stains
  • Glycerin. This helps to keep your teeth moist while you are whitening them.


Some kits contain harsher chemicals than others, so if you have sensitive teeth, make sure to choose a kit that won’t irritate your teeth and gums. You may want a teeth whitening kit that uses natural ingredients like charcoal, coconut oil, and lemon juice. These ingredients are gentle on your teeth and help to remove plaque and discoloration. Also, be sure to read the instructions carefully before using any teeth whitening kit.




Consider how much you're willing to spend on teeth whitening kits. Teeth whitening can be expensive, but there are plenty of affordable options available. Match your needs with your available budget. At-home teeth whitening kits can be less expensive than professional-grade whiteners, but it can take longer before you can see visible results. Even these whitening kits also have a wide range of prices depending on the features they offer or the promise of effectiveness. While professional treatments can cost several hundred dollars, teeth whitening kits can range in price from $20 to $200 or more. Choose the kit that fits your budget without compromising quality.


Ratings and Reviews


Before purchasing a teeth whitening kit, be sure to check the ratings and reviews online. After buying and trying products, many people post their experiences with these different teeth whitening kits, so you can see which ones are truly effective and which ones you shouldn’t spend money on. Only buy a teeth whitening kit with high ratings and plenty of positive reviews and return buyers. These show that the product works as expected and will likely work for you as well. These also provide an insight on the manufacturer’s credibility and way of handling sales, from order transactions to delivery and shipping. Pick a whitening kit that will give you results and an overall good buying experience.


Oral Hygiene Hacks To Keep Your Entire Mouth Fresh and Healthy

teeth whitening hack

Oral hygiene is something that is often taken for granted. Most people only think about it when they have a problem, such as a toothache or swollen gums. However, oral hygiene is an important part of your overall health. It’s not just about having clean teeth – it’s also about having a healthy mouth.

Your mouth is one of the most important areas of your body for it’s responsible for taking in food, so you should take care of it as much as you can. At this point, good oral hygiene comes into play. Not only does oral hygiene keep your teeth healthy, it can also make your breath smell good and prevent any dental problems.

If you’re looking for ways to achieve great oral health without spending a fortune on dental treatments, you’re in luck. There are many oral hygiene hacks that can help you achieve brighter teeth and a cleaner mouth without having to go to the dentist. Here are some of our favorites:


teeth whitening hacks at home


Brush Your Teeth Regularly


This may be the most common and well-known hack, but it’s also the most overlooked. You should brush your teeth after every meal and snack, especially if they are sugary. It’s recommended to brush your teeth three times a day or at least twice for two minutes each time. Make sure to brush the front, back, and top of your teeth. This helps remove most food particles and bacteria even from obscure spots.


Pick a Nice Toothbrush


Use a toothbrush with bristles that are angled towards the gum line. This can remove plaque and bacteria from in between your teeth and hard-to-reach areas. Moreover, use a toothbrush with soft bristles to avoid damaging your teeth and gums. You should also change your toothbrush every one or two months.


Floss Your Teeth Everyday


Dental floss helps remove plaque and bacteria from in between your teeth and along the gum line. Flossing is easy and doesn’t take long – just a few minutes each day should do the trick. You must floss at least once daily to prevent cavities, gum disease, and other dental problems. There are many different types of floss available, so find one that works best for you.


Scrape Residues Off Your Tongue


You can use a tongue scraper after you brush your teeth. It’s a curved plastic or metal device that’s inserted into the mouth and then pulled forward across the surface of the tongue to scuff away bacteria, food debris, and other particles. These particles can cause bad breath so removing them will keep your mouth smelling fresh afterwards.


Drink With a Straw


Use a straw when drinking dark-colored beverages such as coffee, tea, or red wine or acidic drinks like lemonade or orange juice. By using a straw, you can minimize the amount of staining agents that come into contact with your teeth.


Choose a Good Mouthwash


Mouthwash is a liquid used for oral hygiene. It is usually used to kill bacteria in the mouth and gums, but can also be used to freshen the breath. You must choose a mouthwash that contains fluoride to help protect your teeth from decay. It comes in a variety of flavors and colors, so you can find one that you like.


Brush and Gargle with Baking Soda


Another easy teeth whitening hack is to use baking soda. Baking soda is a natural abrasive that helps remove plaque and stains from your teeth, and it can also help to remove any unwanted stains. Simply mix baking soda with water to form a paste, and brush it onto your teeth using circular motions. Be sure to rinse thoroughly afterwards.


Use Apple Cider Vinegar as Mouthwash


Apple cider vinegar is a natural disinfectant that can be used to kill bacteria in your mouth. All you need to do is dilute some apple cider vinegar with water, and swish it around in your mouth for a few minutes. You can then spit out the vinegar and rinse your mouth with water.


Remove Stains with Lemon Juice


Lemon juice is acidic, which can help break down the stains on your teeth. Simply rub a lemon wedge on your teeth, or mix lemon juice with water and brush it on. To use lemon juice as a mouthwash, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a small cup and gargle it.


Place Orange Peels on Your Teeth


You can use an orange peel to whiten your teeth. The vitamin C in oranges helps to break down any surface staining on your teeth. Cut an orange peel into small pieces, and rub it directly onto your teeth for two minutes.


Rinse Your Mouth with Hydrogen Peroxide


Hydrogen peroxide is a natural bleaching agent that can help lighten teeth by breaking down the organic compounds that cause discoloration. It also kills bacteria, removes plaque, and prevents gum disease and bad breath. To use it as a mouthwash, add two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide to an eight-ounce glass of water. Swish it around in your mouth for one minute and then spit it out.


Drink Lots of Water


Make sure you're drinking enough water every day and rinse your mouth with water after you eat sweet and acidic foods. Water helps wash away bacteria and food particles from your mouth, which can cause bad breath and stained teeth. 


Utilize Teeth Whitening Kits


Teeth whitening kits are a popular way to achieve brighter teeth without having to go to the dentist. There are many different types of kits available, and they can be found at most drugstores or online shops. The kits typically include a bleaching gel or whitening agent, mouth trays, and instructions. You should follow the instructions carefully in order to achieve the best results. If you’re still searching for a teeth whitening kit for your needs, Luelli has a selection that will help you regain the glow of your pearly whites.


how to get whiter teeth hacks


Every day, your mouth comes into contact with a variety of bacteria, viruses, and other germs. If these microorganisms are not eliminated from our mouths on a daily basis, they can cause numerous health problems, including cavities, gum disease, and even cardiac illness.


Once you follow these hacks, you won’t need to worry about those dental and health complications anymore. You’ll develop a consistent oral hygiene habit that would keep your teeth shining and your mouth fresh. 

10 Incredible Benefits of Healthy Teeth That Everyone Must Know

10 Incredible Benefits of Healthy Teeth That Everyone Must Know

Having healthy teeth is not all about having a sparkling white smile. Not only do they look great and make it easier to eat, but they also play an important role in our overall health.

Everyone knows that healthy teeth are important but they’re often underestimated. Many people don't realize the full range of benefits that come with having healthy teeth so they often disregard good care of their teeth.


healthy teeth benefits


To show you the true value of oral health, we give you 10 benefits of pristine teeth that will make you appreciate your pearly whites even more.


1. Healthy teeth can help you maintain an ideal body mass.

People with healthy teeth tend to eat more nutritious foods, which helps them stay at a healthy weight. If you have bad teeth, it can be hard to eat certain foods. This is because damaged teeth may not be able to handle tough or crunchy foods.


2. Healthy teeth make it easier to chew food, which helps with digestion.

When your teeth are in proper condition, you’re able to bite and chew food properly, which helps your body break down food better and absorb all the necessary nutrients. This also means that you are less likely to get sick, as improper digestion can lead to various health problems. This is particularly important for older adults, who may have difficulty chewing tougher foods.


3. Healthy teeth can help you avoid diseases.

Poor oral health is not only linked to teeth or mouth problems. They can trigger other diseases as well. People who have healthy teeth and gums are less likely to develop heart ailments, stroke, diabetes, and other serious illnesses.


4. Healthy teeth make it easier to speak clearly.

When your teeth are in good shape, you are able to talk properly and without distortion. This is especially important for people who work in public speaking roles or who need to communicate frequently with others.


5. Healthy teeth form a complete, dazzling smile.

A nice smile makes you look more attractive, more approachable, and a couple of years younger. You feel more confident and comfortable interacting with others because you won’t be self-conscious whenever you talk or show your smile.


6. Healthy teeth make you less likely to develop cavities or gum disease.

A healthy tooth foundation is essential for maintaining stability and preventing future dental problems. You will avoid the pain that comes with tooth decay and swollen gums.


7. Healthy teeth prevent bad breath.

Once you keep plaque and bacteria at bay, you will have good oral health that banishes bad breath and keeps your breath smelling fresh all day.


8. Healthy teeth have benefits for our mental health.

People with healthy teeth are more likely to have a positive self-image and be happier overall. Additionally, good oral hygiene can help reduce stress levels and improve our moods.


9. Healthy teeth help keep your jaw healthy.

If your teeth are crooked or misaligned, it can put stress on your jaw muscles and lead to pain and discomfort. Some of your teeth are also connected to your jaw bone so keeping them healthy also prevents ache in your jaw.


10. Healthy teeth can save you money.

Regular appointments with your dentist are expensive. If you do not have to spend money on dental treatments, such as fillings or crowns, then you can use that money for other more important things.


benefits healthy teeth

We hope that knowing these benefits will encourage you to take better care of your teeth. Healthy teeth will lead to better overall health so you should clean them properly and maintain their good condition.

If you need more effort in keeping your pearly whites at prime health, then visit the Luelli store as we have dental products that are sure to brighten and clean your teeth so they remain strong and healthy.