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Hydrogen Peroxide in Teeth Whitening Products: Things You Should Know

Hydrogen Peroxide in Teeth Whitening Products: Things You Should Know

I'm pretty sure you've already encountered this compound a couple of times. You can find it on antiseptic sprays and creams, toothpaste, mouthwashes, and many more. 

Teeth whitening products have become quite popular in recent years. Sadly, most consumers haven't grasped how teeth whitening products work. Did you know that hydrogen peroxide is the active ingredient in teeth whitening products? So today, we will discuss how it works and whether it is safe or not. Continue reading below. 

Common Myths About Teeth Whitening Products That Are Completely Untrue

Common Myths About Teeth Whitening Products That Are Completely Untrue

I think we all wanted to have a dazzling white set of teeth. Some of us want it so badly that we even go to different lengths to achieve. 

You know what, there are thousands of people who want to have beautiful and white teeth using teeth whitening products. Sadly, many of them back out or abandon that idea after they've encountered myths about teeth whitening. 

So today, I'll reveal popular myths about teeth whitening products that are completely wrong. Let's get going and debunk these myths. 

Dental Health: Understanding What Exactly is Tooth Sensitivity

Dental Health: Understanding What Exactly is Tooth Sensitivity

I'm pretty sure you all have experienced that short yet sharp pain in your teeth whenever you drink hot or cold beverages. That's tooth sensitivity right there. Here in the U.S alone, about 8 out of 10 Americans have this dental problem. That's about 40 million U.S citizens affected by this problem. Then, it's safe to say that it's pretty common. 

If you are constantly experiencing this kind of problem even without exposing your teeth to any hot or cold foods, you got a serious problem. Though it's common, some people are confused and don't even know what to do with it. 

Today, we will talk about teeth sensitivity, understand how it occurs, and manage the pain.