Common Home Treatments for Sensitive Teeth

Common Home Treatments for Sensitive Teeth

Have you ever felt that sharp and tingling pain whenever you drink cold or hot drinks? That’s what you called sensitive teeth. A survey has shown that 1 out of 8 adults here in the U.S are suffering from this dental problem. 

It’s the most common dental problem amongst young adults, women, and individuals with deteriorating gums. People who are using teeth whitening products also suffer from this problem. 

Today, I’ll share some remedies that you can do at home to treat sensitive teeth. Continue reading below.

What are Sensitive Teeth?

Before we go deeper, let’s answer this question. 

The sensitive tooth is a dental problem where the tooth enamel is worn down, exposing the tooth roots. Sometimes sensitive teeth result from other dental problems like cavities, receding gums, cracked or chipped teeth, and worn filling. 

So how do you prevent yourself from having it? Keep good oral hygiene and avoid foods that are damaging to your tooth enamel.

But what if I already have it? What are you going to do?

Home Remedies for Sensitive Teeth

1# Desensitizing Toothpaste

Desensitizing toothpaste is specialized toothpaste to help treat tooth sensitivity. It typically blocks the pain we usually suffer.

It contains various compounds that protect exposed nerve ending from irritants such as cool and warm drinks. One of its active ingredients is potassium nitrate. It blocks pain signals from your nerve endings in your teeth to the brain. 

Consult your dentist to which desensitizing toothpaste you should use. Expect to see some results after several uses of the toothpaste. 

2# Brine Solution

Brine, or also known as saltwater, is a common treatment for sensitive teeth. Because salt (NaCl) is a great antiseptic ingredient, it is also good in treating inflammation. 

To ease the pain from tooth sensitivity, try gargling a glass of saltwater twice a day, once in the morning and one in the evening. 

Here’s what you should do:

  • Mix ½ to ¾ of a tablespoon of salt in a glass of lukewarm water, and mix it well.
  • Gargle and swish the brine solution inside your mouth for about 30 seconds. 
  • Lastly, spit it out. 

3# Honey with Warm Water

If you happen to have honey inside your pantry, you can try this treatment. Honey is known to have an antibacterial agent, which is great for treating wounds. Aside from that, it also speeds up the healing process, reduces the pain and swelling, and inflammation. Never thought honey could do this much.

To use it, mix a spoonful of honey to a glass of warm water. Then swish it around inside your mouth.

4# Turmeric

Speaking of treatment for inflammation, Turmeric also has this. Curcumin is an anti-inflammatory compound that can be found in Turmeric. This kitchen ingredient has been used to treat digestive disorders, and it also can speed up the healing process.

Soothe pain from sensitive teeth. You can rub the turmeric powder on your teeth using your finger. Do this twice a day, and you’ll see results in just several days.

5# Hydrogen Peroxide

If you don’t have Turmeric, well, you can reach out for your medicine cabinet or first aid kit, and look for hydrogen peroxide. This compound is used to sterilize cuts, burns, scratches, and other wounds to prevent any infections. That said, you can also use it as a mouth rinse to heal gums and inflammation.

How to use it:

  • Pour three caps of hydrogen peroxide into a glass with equal parts of warm water.
  • Swish it around your mouth for 30 seconds.
  • Spit it out, then gargle some water after to remove any remaining hydrogen peroxide.


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